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The cameras used on the moon used plastic film that would never be able to stand the heat of the direct radiation of the sun.
Earthrise photos and videos are particularly crude.
The direct radiation of the sun would heat any object to 250 degrees F while any object in the sun would cool to minus 300 degrees F.
NASA pretty much ignores this in practice.
In reality, everthing they put into space, spacecraft, spacesuits and other objects, would have to deal with this problem.
NASA skips over this important engineering challenge and never mentions testing anything for it before sending stuff into space.
The moon is very bright in the night sky. All the NASA photos and videos have the moon a dull gray color.
The images were created in studios on earth
We were led to believe that the astronauts could communicate from the moon to earth with a snmall transmitter.
To pretend to reenter the earth's atmosphere, capsules were dropped from cargo planes
The science of Apollo
The spacesuits would never work
Apollo contradicted the known physical laws that would be in effect if space were a vacuum.