9/11 Pentagon Hoax

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At the Pentagon, the perps simply set off a fireball and had lying acocomplices say they saw a plane. Unlike the WTC, they did not create any computer graphics at the time. Many questioned the narrative as the claimed damage seemed impossible and it actually was impossible. Most arguments for a plane crash were based on photos published early on showing the building osbscured by smoke. Photos taken later after the smoke cleared revealed that there was no damage to the building consistent with a plane or missile impact. Years later, the FBI was forced to create a poorly done fake video that purportedly showed a blur hitting the building just before the 9/11 commission was to meet.

Why was the Pentagon included? Part of the narrative was to impress on the public the notion of "America Under Attack". This was to jump start the public into supporting the mantra of a "War on Terror". If the target was just the WTC, the slogan might have read, "Silverstein Under Attack" which just does not sound impressive enough.

In what seems almost like an afterthought, the crash of Flight 93 at Shaksville, Pennsylvania was included in the story. Here there was nothing approaching evidence of a real plane crash. To believe the story you had to swallow the idea of an airliner diving at a 45 degree angle upside down and buring itself underground while leaving a hole only 20 feet wide and 30 feet long. There was no real evidence of all the elements of a real plane crash, such as seats, passengers, engines, wings and fuselage and thousands of other plane components. The FBI later claimed that it had recovered "95% of the plane" while not producing any evidence of the claim. The story also lent weight to the "America Under Attack" slogan. The notion of "hero passengers" fighting back against the evil highjackers appealed to the patriotism of the average persopn who believed it.

There was no plane crash at Shankville. They simply had a few lying accomplices say they saw the distressed plane. The medical examiner stated that there was no sign of bodies or any plane parts that would indicate a plane had crashed there.

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Jacksonville, Florida
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