9/11 - Controlled Demolition

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9/11 was a hoax, not an attack. Fake CGI planes. Fake victims. Lying accomplices. No planes crashed. No planes were hijacked. Muslims were not involved. Controlled demolition. Insurance fraud False flag. Cheney was the mastermind. Bush and the media signed off on the plan.

The entire WTC was built in 1969 and riddled with asbestos insulation. A few years later their construction would have been illegal but they were grandfathered in. It was quickly realized that they were more of a liability than an asset. The responsible parties were the Port of New York and Dresser Industries which was purchased by Dick Cheney's Halliburton in 1998. They needed to be torn down, but the law required that the asbestos be removed before they could be demolished. The cost to remove the asbestos was around one billion dollars A plan was hatched to fake a terrorist attack. The corporate media networks and the Federal and local governments signed off on the plan. The buildings would be secretly wired for demolition. Security would be airtight, meaning that any aspect of the plan could be accomplished without the public knowing about it. Fictional terrorists would hijack fictional airliners and fly them into the buildings. Computer graphics would be flashed on TV screens. Lying accomplices would be presented to the public to say they saw the planes. The networks would confirm the pane crashes and emphasize the accomplices stories. Many real witnesses saw the buildings explode and never saw or heard a plane. These witnesses were ignored by the media. 9/11 was a complete betrayal of trust by our government and media institutions.

Jacksonville cityscape view on water
Jacksonville, Florida
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