Willis Butts TxPatriot

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Welcome to my website.
The Truth Party is intended to be a goto site for all the Truth that we can muster. No subject is off limits. We will cover the broad categories of the lies and deceptions that plague our world. Every aspect of the site can be considered to be under construction and may always be so as we intend to cater to the interests of our users. We will be adding live shows, chats and forums as soon as we can.


NASA Science Fails

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Here are links to other webpages

NASA Naked Home
Foreign space agencies
NASA Artemis Hoax
NASA Astronaut Actors
NASA Earth There are no real photos
NASA Mars Hoax
NASA Planetary Missions Hoax
NASA Satellites Hoax
NASA's Junk Science
NASA Space Shuttle Hoax

Apollo Moon Landing Hoax
Apollo photos have fake backgrounds
Apollo equipment would never work
Apollo photos have fake backgrounds
Apollo hoax assisted by Kubrick?
Apollo NASASCAM exposee
Apollo moon rover hoax
Apollo junk science
Apollo impossible shadows
Apollo moon photos were all made in a studio

9/11 - A staged hoax
9/11 - The planes were computer graphics
9/11 - The buildings were destroyed by controlled demo
9/11 - No plane or missile hit the Pentagon
9/11 - The impossible physics
9/11 - Absurd staged debris
9/11 - The Victims were all fictional

Jet Fuel used is greatly exaggerated
Abortion is murder
Evolution is junk science
CHANGE the world for the better
Saludos Community Centers
Snowball Internet Efficiency Training
The Book of Hemp
Gideon's Story
Winnie's Story

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NASA clamed they had captured an image of a black hole. It turned out to be just a heart scan fraud.


NASA decided early on that faking star patterns in all of their photos and videos would be a nightmare. They came up with the ruse that space was black. This would be true not only for photos and videos but allso for eyebalss. Indeeed, tbey routinely publish such as having nothing but blackness in their photos. This is supposed to e true when bright objects are in the shot. Some shots have no real bright objects. NASA has never been into space, so the astronauts have to remember to lie properly when they describe what space looks like. Sometmes they get off message and descriibe space as "spectacular". None of them have actually been in space to see.

When you lie about going into space, it is hard to keep the science straight

The brutal vacuum of space is one of the defining reasons why nothing NASA has designedd would ever work in space. The other reason is the 250 degrees F. heat for anything in the sun's direct radiation or the minus 300 degrees F. for anything in shadow. The extreme temperatures and te stress of going from one to the other were never tested on earth because NASA knew nothing would ever actually go into space.

Jacksonville cityscape view on water
Jacksonville, Florida
[email protected]

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