Willis Butts TxPatriot

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Welcome to my website.
The Truth Party is intended to be a goto site for all the Truth that we can muster. No subject is off limits. We will cover the broad categories of the lies and deceptions that plague our world. Every aspect of the site can be considered to be under construction and may always be so as we intend to cater to the interests of our users. We will be adding live shows, chats and forums as soon as we can.



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Here are links to other webpages

NASA Naked Home
Foreign space agencies
NASA Artemis Hoax
NASA Astronaut Actors
NASA Earth There are no real photos
NASA Mars Hoax
NASA Planetary Missions Hoax
NASA Satellites Hoax
NASA's Junk Science
NASA Space Shuttle Hoax

Apollo Moon Landing Hoax
Apollo photos have fake backgrounds
Apollo equipment would never work
Apollo photos have fake backgrounds
Apollo hoax assisted by Kubrick?
Apollo NASASCAM exposee
Apollo moon rover hoax
Apollo junk science
Apollo impossible shadows
Apollo moon photos were all made in a studio

9/11 - A staged hoax
9/11 - The planes were computer graphics
9/11 - The buildings were destroyed by controlled demo
9/11 - No plane or missile hit the Pentagon
9/11 - The impossible physics
9/11 - Absurd staged debris
9/11 - The Victims were all fictional

Jet Fuel used is greatly exaggerated
Abortion is murder
Evolution is junk science
CHANGE the world for the better
Saludos Community Centers
Snowball Internet Efficiency Training
The Book of Hemp
Gideon's Story
Winnie's Story

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Here are some image collections

NASA uses a number of different methods to fake the ISS

NASA uses green screens. NASA loves green screens because they save taxpayers money.

Female astronauts with long hair plaster their hair with hairspray. This is another example of junk science, as hair would move all around in zero gravity. They could simply tie their hair back and this would never come up as an issue. This is another example of NASA mocking thbe intelligence of those naive people who believe the ISS is real

NASA has a huge swimming pool called the Neutral Bouyancy Lab. They say it is for training. They are actually using the pool to fake their space walks. Many videos have caught water bubbles moving in the water. They are not particles in space. Particles in a vacuum would move in straight line. They would not change direction or velocity. These items behave just like you would expect air bubbles to behave

The interior of the iSS is an incredible jumble of cables and protruding devices. NASA would have you believe that this is a high tech space ship and all those things must do something. Imagine that people are routinely moving around in the confined space and the only way to stop moving is to grap on to something. What could opssibly go wrong? This is another example of NASA insulting the intelligence of those who believe.

Here are a number of scientific objections to the ISS being real. NASA has never put anything into space. The main reason is they simply can't.

Jacksonville cityscape view on water
Jacksonville, Florida
[email protected]

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