Truth Party

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The Truth Party is dedicated to exposing the lies of the current system of government and replacing it with a proper government based on righteous moral and fiscal principles.
It is totally peaceful in nature. The lies are being exposed daily on the Internet and will reach a critical mass soon.
The idea is that lies cannot withstand the onslaught of Truth and at some point the current system will lose enough credibility to cause it to collapse and the Truth Party will rise to fill the void.

I encourage each and everyone of you to consider running for office this November. You can run as a write-in candidate without risking any money.
I want people to make temselves available for high profile offices at the federal, state and local level, such as President, House, Senate, Governor, State Senator, State House and mayor elections.
Each state has its own set of election ballot requirements. The Truth Party will be looking into those rules.
One goal is to organize the Truth Party this year to become recognized as a real political party for the 2026 elections. It is too late for that in 2024.
Even if you do not wish to be a candidate, you can support it by promoting its ideas and candidates and by aiding in research efforts.
In the future we may start fundraising campagns as well and get qualified people to aid in technical development such as web p[ages and live shows.

The Truth Party's path to victory will be the exposure of the Democratic and Republican parties.
We have been lied to all our lives about reality itself. We are the only party that will expose these lies and get them out of our lives forever.
Some of the lies we have been told are massive, such as NASA and Apollo and space travel itself, the shape of our earth, 9/11, Covid and staged mass tragedies.
We will be collecting and presenting all the evidence as we go along. Rest assured, there will be earthquakes throughout our political system.

The second component of our efforts will be to present real solutions to the problems facing our society and our responsibility to the rest of the world to bring positive changes.
These solutions will be the result of planned social media brainstorming sessions organized by the Truth Party.
A primary tenet of our party is that our Creator has given us the power to fix each and every mistake and overcome every problem that people have created.
We will not take no for an answer. No problem is too big or too small. We will present solutions to each and every one.

Jacksonville cityscape view on water
Jacksonville, Florida
[email protected]

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